
Treatments of skin defects

Pigmented lesions are remarkably common and the overwhelming majority are benign.

Four Wavelengths for the Widest Range of Lesions

Fotona’s laser system is the perfect tool for treating a wide range of pigmented lesions, enabling treatments for everything from nevi (moles) and vascular lesions to ephelides, sunspots and melasma. Superficial lesions can be treated most effectively with the 532 nm wavelength, while the 1064 nm wavelength can be used to target deeper lesions.

Safe, Effective and Minimally Invasive Treatments

gálattól és betegség stádiumától (rosacea erythematosa, rosacea teleangiectatica, rosacea papulopustulosa) függ.

The Er:YAG lasers can be used for the ablation of keratoses, moles, and other pigmented lesions, enabling the removal of the epidermis and superficial dermis in a controlled and relatively bloodless manner. Clinical studies have shown that Er:YAG lasers are very effective for the treatment of keratoses, with a clinical and histological improvement of up to 93% after just one treatment.

The following photos show the before and the after state of the treatment on various skin defects:
